Maple worksheets on the numerical solution of 2nd order differential equations


Numerical methods topics:

The following Maple worksheets can be downloaded.

They are all compatible with Classic Worksheet Maple 10.

Simple pendulum

Taylor series method for 2nd order differential equations - ord2tay.mws

Runge-Kutta methods for 2nd order differential equations - ord2RK.mws

Examples involving the numerical solution of 2nd order differential equations - mechRK.mws

Examples involving the numerical solution of 2nd order differential equations - mech2RK.mws

Examples involving the numerical solution of 2nd order differential equations - elecRK.mws

More examples involving the numerical solution of 2nd order differential equations - moreRK.mws

The shooting method for two point boundary value problems - linshoot.mws

Linear shooting method examples via a procedure - desolveSH.mws

Non-linear shooting method examples - moreSH.mws

A procedure for solving first and second order differential equations - desolve.mws

More boundary value problems - genBV.mws

Procedures for differential equations -

Shooting method

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