Maple worksheets on complex numbers


Vectors, matrices and complex numbers:

The following Maple worksheets can be downloaded.

They are all compatible with Classic Worksheet Maple 10.

Argand diagram

An Introduction to complex numbers - complex.mws

The polar form for complex numbers - polar.mws

Plotting complex solutions of equations - plotcomplex.mws

Graphing functions of a complex variable - conformalplot.mws

Functions of a complex variable defined by power series, the exponential function and Euler's formula  - exp_cmplx.mws

Linear functions of a complex variable  - lin_cmplx.mws

Trigonometrical and hyperbolic functions of a complex variable  - trig_cmplx.mws

The logarithm function of a complex variable  - log_cmplx.mws

The derivative of a function of a complex variable  - deriv_cmplx.mws

The derivative of a function of a complex variable II  - deriv_cmplx2.mws

An elementary treatment of Euler's formula  - euler_form.mws

Graphical procedures for complex numbers -

Complex sine

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