Maple worksheets on hyperbolic functions |
More calculus topics:
- Infinite Series
- Hyperbolic Functions
- Multi-variable calculus
- The Lambert W function
The following Maple worksheets can be downloaded.
They are all compatible with Classic Worksheet Maple 10.
Hyperbolic functions - hyperbolic.mws
- Definition of the hyperbolic sine and cosine functions.
- Two points on the graph of sinh and cosh.
- The hyperbolic functions: tanh, sech, cosech, coth and their graphs.
- Some identities involving hyperbolic functions.
- Geometrical interpretation of the identity: cosh(x)^2-sinh(x)^2=1.
- The derivatives of the hyperbolic functions.
Inverse hyperbolic functions - invhyp.mws
- The functions arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh, arcsech, arccsch, arccoth.
- Expressing the inverse hyperbolic functions in terms of the natural logarithm function.
- The derivatives of the inverse hyperbolic functions.
Integrals involving inverse hyperbolic functions - hypint.mws
- An integral involving arcsinh.
- An integral involving arccosh.
- An integral involving arcsech.
- An integral involving arccsch.
- Some other integrals involving inverse hyperbolic functions.
The curve formed by a uniform hanging chain - catenary.mws
- The derivation of the equation of the curve formed by a uniform hanging chain or cable.
- Comparison of catenary with parabola
Hyperbolic sectors and arcs - hypsect.mws
- The area of a hyperbolic sector.
- Arc length along a parametric curve (including a rectangular hyperbola).