Maple worksheets on geometry |
Introductory, general and miscellaneous worksheets:
The following Maple worksheets can be downloaded.
They are all compatible with Classic Worksheet Maple 10.
Polygons - polygon.mws
- Plotting polygons
- Rotating polygon animation - 1 colour
- A polygon subdivided into different coloured triangles
- Rotating polygon animation - 2 colours
An introduction to 3 dimensional images - graph3D.mws
- The 3-dimensional coordinate system
- Regular polyhedra via the plottools package.
- Regular polyhedra via the geom3d package.
- Families of polyhedra
- spacecurve and tubeplot
- Knots and links
- Torus knots
Volumes of solids - vol3D.mws
- Some standard solids.
- A procedure for constructing a prism: prism.
- A procedure for constructing a pyramid: pyramid.
- The volume of a prism.
- The volume of a cylinder.
- The volume of a pyramid 1 . . sheering transformation.
- The volume of a pyramid 2 . . dissection of a cuboid.
- The volume of a cone.
- The surface area of a sphere.
- The volume of a sphere.
Calculating pi - calcpi.mws
- Calculating Pi using regular polygons with a progressively larger number of sides