Maple worksheets on Fourier transforms |
Mathematical transforms:
- Laplace transforms
- Fourier transforms
The following Maple worksheets can be downloaded.
They are all compatible with Classic Worksheet Maple 10.
Introduction to Fourier transforms - FRtrans.mws
- Explanation of the Fourier transform via a limiting process
- The real and imaginary parts of a Fourier transform
- Examples of Fourier transforms
Some properties of the Fourier transform - FRtrans2.mws
- Shifting and symmetry properties of the Fourier transform
- Examples
Differentiation formulas for the Fourier transform - FRTdiff.mws
- Differentiation formulas for the Fourier transform
- Examples
Approximations for Fourier integrals - FRTint.mws
- Fourier integrals
- Examples
Fourier transforms of Hermite functions - FRTherm.mws
- The Schrodinger wave equation
- Hermite polynomials
- Solutions for the Schrodinger equation
- Fourier transforms of Hermite functions
The Dirac delta function - delta.mws
- The Dirac delta function
- The sampling property of the Dirac delta function
- The Dirac delta function as a limit of a general class of functions
Distributions - distrib.mws
- Test functions
- Weak convergence
- Construction of test functions
- The concept of a distribution
- Operations with distributions
- Functions as distributions
Heaviside's step function - step.mws
- The integral of the Dirac delta function
- The step function as a distribution
- The integral property of the Heaviside step function
The Fourier transform of the delta function and the step function - FRTdelta.mws
- The Fourier transform of the delta function
- The Fourier transform of the step function
Convolution and the Fourier transform - convolution.mws
- The convolution of two functions
- The convolution theorem
- Examples
The derivative of the Dirac delta function - diff_delta.mws
- The derivative of the Dirac delta function
The Fourier transform of periodic functions - FRTprdc.mws
- The Fourier transform of a periodic function.
- The Fourier transforms of cos ax and sin ax.
- The Fourier transforms of cos3 ax.
- The Fourier transform of a train of pulses.
- The Fourier transform of | sin x |.
The discrete fast Fourier transform - FFTintro.mws
- Derivation of the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse
- Formulas for the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse
- The fast Fourier transform algorithm
- First versions of the fast Fourier transform algorithm
- Examples
A procedure for the discrete fast Fourier transform - FFTproc.mws
- Economical fast Fourier transform of real data
- Procedures for discrete Fourier transforms and inverse transforms: fft, ifft
- Comparison of a discrete Fourier transform and Fourier transform coefficients
- Adding noise to periodic data, smoothing data
Procedures for Fourier series and Fourier transforms -